Institutional Strategic Plan and Perspectives

               With the changing scenario, the Institution has realised a phenomenal growth in the academic arena, research avenues, examination procedures and infrastructural promotion. To gear up further growth the college formulated strategic planning and development initiatives. The strategic plans and perspectives of the college focus towards the attainment of its vision and mission to sustain its reputation. The strategic plan perspectives are as follows:

  • To appraise the governance and administrative structure.
  • To review, revise and update the curriculum.
  • To foster research activities and enhance innovation.
  • To promote and encourage student centric learning.
  • To bestow the state of art infrastructure.
  • To promote student social responsibility.
  • To impart value oriented education.
  • To put mentor mentee system into practice more effectively.
  • To upgrade institutional status through NIRF ranking.
  • To make the students globally competitive, it is planned to introduce a variety of employability courses such as EDC, NME, NMSB and certificate courses.
  • To invite eminent researchers to extend their guidance on new vistas to the budding research scholars.
  • To screen the in-house e-contents to ease learning.
  • To insist on more online courses on relevant topics in each discipline.
  • To bring out more socially relevant group projects from UG students.
  • To augment infrastructure with more research funds like DST-FIST and DBT Star College Scheme.
  • To identify the possibilities of signing MoUs to bring more internships, seminars and workshops and to enhance industry academia interaction.
  • To extend student’s service to the community on the viral issues of that year.
  • To convert more examinations into Computer Based Test.
  • To utilise the funds in a more diligent and scrupulous manner, a self-sustained automation is practiced through indigenously developed software.
  •                With these goals in mind each and every department of the institution frames its own plan of action to facilitate the process. The faculty members from all the UG and PG departments visit the renowned institutions to undertake trainings, for attending conferences and presenting papers. The faculty give their feedback about the best practices adopted in other institutions to the Principal, IQAC Coordinator and Vice-president of the college Union. This helps to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of our institution and to improvise accordingly.