Code of Conduct for Students
Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous), Salem, Tamilnadu is an institution that is committed to the pursuit of career oriented education in the background of our ancient culture and tradition based on the ideals of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda. The College has designed the following Code of Conduct to provide fair procedures relevant to all the students of all Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses and all the M. Phil and Ph. D. scholars of all the departments of the College.
All the students, as members of the College, are required to observe all the rules that are proposed under the Code of Conduct of the College.
- The college will function from 9.30 a.m. to 1.15 p.m. with a break from 11.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. with a lunch interval between 1.15 p.m. & 2.00 p.m.
- Any absence from class during working hours, without the prior permission of the parents and the Principal, will be strictly dealt with and serious actions will be taken. The college will have ADC classes from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
- Only lunch card-holders will be permitted to go home for lunch.
- The first bell for the morning session will be rung at 9.25 a.m. when all students must assemble for prayer. Attendance at morning assembly is compulsory for all students and staff and they must make it a point to be punctual.
- Saturdays and Sundays will be weekly holidays.
- College students are permitted to wear either half saree or saree and no other type of dresses will be permitted, while they enter the college premises
- Students are expected to come in the college uniform on the first Monday of each month and on special occasions which will be announced as and when they arise. They are requested not to wear the uniform saree on other days. They should wear the college Identity card every day for identification.
- While attending a class, meetings in the college or other gatherings, students are expected to be attentive, silent and maintain decorum.
- The cleanliness of the college building and surrounding should be the responsibility of every student. Every student should help to keep the class rooms and the college premises neat and clean.
- The arrangement of the furniture in the class room should not be disturbed by the students on any account.
- Students are expected to read notices put up on the college notice board carefully every day in the morning as soon as they arrive and in the evening before they leave. Ignorance of any notice, thus put up, will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with it.
- No private meeting or party of any kind shall be held in the college without the prior permission of the Principal.
- No notice of any kind be circulated among the students or put up on the notice board college without the prior permission of the Principal.
- Private collections of funds must not be made without the prior approval of the Principal.
- The students shall take periodical/ assignments and examinations sincerely and to the best of their ability. They should not possess any manuscript inside the examination hall, nor should they communicate with persons inside and outside the hall. If they violate this rule, they will be treated as guilty of malpractice and be severely punished.
- Students must practice academic honesty in the preparation and participation in all the components of the CIA, including the Internal Tests, Model and Semester Examination.
- Students should not possess or use any unauthorized aids in any academic test or examination conducted by the staff or the College
- Students must schedule any academic discussion with the teaching faculty during office hours.
- Students and scholars must not engage in plagiarism or any other academic misconduct.
- Students must not bring mobile phones to the college.
- Students must not engage in photographing, audio taping or videotaping the activities of the class without the permission of the professor. They should not involve in inappropriate use of digital technology.
- Students should keep their classrooms clean. They must not engage in destruction of College property.
- Students should keep their classrooms clean. They must not engage in destruction of College property.
- Students must not engage in any written, verbal, physical or electronic act that can cause physical or emotional disturbance or harm to other students or staff.
- Students must not involve in Ragging.
- Students must not create excessive noise that disturbs the activities of classes, College office or other academic, cultural, social or sporting activities of the College.
- Students must not engage in any form of sexual harassment or misconduct.
- Students must attend all the academic and cultural programs of the College with discipline.
- Students are expected to exhibit exemplary behaviour during Internships, Field visits, and extension activities.
- Students must observe the boundaries of professional relationship between staff and student on and off the campus.
- Students must use all the facilities and the property of the College with much care and responsibility.
- Students must not use obscene language or engage in threatening behaviour that will cause any individual to fear for their personal safety.
- Students should not engage in any form of defamation of any staff or student. They must not post any derogatory comments on social media about any individual of the College.
- Students must not use the name, logo, resources or the reputation of the College for private gain or the gain of a third party, or private business or commercial purposes, without prior permission.
- Students must not engage in any fraudulent, corrupt or unlawful conduct inside or outside the campus that would potentially affect the reputation of the College.
- Any student of the College aggrieved by any acts of misconduct or harassment can approach the Coordinators of the various Welfare Committees, Coordinators and Heads of the Departments, or Principal of the College.
Additional policies or changes may evolve and the Code of Conduct may be amended or modified any time.
Students and Research Scholars of Sri Sarada College for Women (Autonomous), Salem are required to familiarize themselves with the policies of the College, and adhere to all the regulations mentioned in the Code of Conduct. Behaviour contrary to the Code of Conduct shall lead to sanctions. Disciplinary action includes suspension, expulsion or other exclusions, and withholding results. Students should appreciate that serious offences such as assault, theft, willful damage of property and other unlawful activities are highly likely to attract a suspension or expulsion.
Suspension of study may be applied immediately for a serious offence, obviously impacting on the student’s ability to continue or complete her studies. For minor breaches of the Code of Conduct, a student shall receive a warning asking her to rectify her behaviour. This warning may take the form of a verbal reminder of the expected behaviour of the student, or an official written warning. Sanctions, including suspension, may be applied for consistent minor breaches of the Code of Conduct. Students must be aware that where a student breaks the law, the matter shall be reported to the police, in addition to any action taken by the College for the same offence.