DBT STAR College Scheme for Strengthening of UG Science

               Sri Sarada College was started in 1961 as an affiliated college to the University of Madras with two sections of Pre-University class (with eighty students). Later, it has increased in strength to become a First Grade college with twelve under-graduate courses, seven post-graduate courses, nine M.Phil. programmes, nine Ph.D. programmes and two Self - Financing P.G. Courses (M.Sc. Computer Science and M.Com.). Autonomous status was conferred by the University Grants Commission in the year 1988-1989 under the able guidance of Yatiswari Saradapriya Amba.

Participating Departments : Botany, Zoology & Mathematics

Grant received for the financial year 2020-21:

Head Amount in Lakhs
Non-Recurring 30.00
Recurring 9.00
Travel 1.00
Contingency 1.00
Total 41.00

The objectives of the DBT Star College scheme are as follows:

  • To strengthen the academic and physical infrastructure for achieving excellence in teaching and training
  • To enhance the quality of the learning and teaching process to stimulate original thinking through ‘hands–on’ exposure to experimental work and participation in summer schools
  • To provide better library facility to students and teachers
  • To promote networking and strengthen ties with neighbouring institutions and other laboratories
  • To conduct specialized training programmes for faculty improvement for optimizing technical capabilities
  • To increase capabilities of core instrumentation resources by procuring new equipment and upgrading existing facilities
  • To provide access and exposure to students to research laboratories and industries in the country

Assets Acquired - Click Here