
The aim of the college is to offer modern and career oriented education in the background of our ancient culture and tradition, based on the ideals of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa , Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.

Character Building

Character building is the hallmark of true education which is the manifestation of perfection already in man. Development of right character comes from a congenial divine atmosphere. Both in the college and in the hostel, the day's activities commence with communal prayer.

Character building centers round regular counselling classes where a workbook on moral instruction is used for interaction from the students on human relationships and character building qualities. There is a special Grievance Redressal Cell with senior faculty members to provide periodic guidance to students. Even at the highest collegiate level , we believe in the system of a Faculty Advisor for each class who acts as a mentor to the students. All these provide a congenial atmosphere for character building.

Culture Enrichment

While character and culture are subjective , curriculum is the instrument to achieve both . Since Sri Sarada College for Women became an autonomous college, the curriculum has been framed with a view to have a happy blend of character and culture.

Tamil , Sanskrit and Hindi are offered as first language. Medium of instruction is English. Eight faculties in Science , four in Arts and Language besides Commerce have given a wide network of choice in curriculum.


1. Exhibition

           Focusing Indian Knowledge Systems Visit Here

2. Book Published by Our College

Title : Exploring Indian Knowledge Systems : Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Applications
Chief Editor : Dr. R. Uma Rani
Editors : Dr. B. Amudhambigai & Dr. L. Akilandeswari
ISBN : 978-93-48505-12-5
Publishers : Royal Book Publishing (Partner of Eleyon Publishers), Salem

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📌 Dr. B. Amudhambigai
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