Fees for PG Courses

M.A. History/ Economics/ English/Tamil M.Sc. Mathematics M.Sc. Chemistry M.sc. Physics
Admission Fees 200 200 200 200
Administrative Fees 150 150 150 150
Matriculation Fees - - - -
University Registration Fees 195 195 195 195
Higher Secondary * Recognition fees - - - -
Univ. Library Fees 75 75 75 75
Univ. Sports Fees 75 75 75 75
Cultural and Youth Festival 30 30 30 30
Development of Infrastructural facilities 75 75 75 75
Flag Day 5 5 5 5
Red Cross 20 20 20 20
Certificate Verification fees for each mark sheet - - - -
Special Fees
Medical Services 5 5 5 5
Magazine Fees 20 20 20 20
College Calendar 10 10 10 10
College Day 6 6 6 6
Identity Card 3 3 3 3
Library Fees 170 170 170 170
Games Fees - - - -
Stationery Fees 50 50 50 50
Audio Visual Education Fees 5 5 5 5
Reading Room 25 25 25 25
Social Service League 8 8 8 8
College Association 20 20 20 20
N.S.S 10 10 10 10
Laboratory Fees - - 400 300
Tuition Fees 500 750 750 750
Total 1657 1907 2307 2207
* Units in Rupees.